We work to build capacities of the social solidarity economy actors, especially cooperatives. We provide capacity building services for initiatives that seek to organize under cooperatives or to improve their cooperatives.
We design, develop and implement projects for the improvement of the social solidarity economy.
We design and implement training programmes for social solidarity economy actors and cooperatives based on their needs. We offer post-training monitoring and evaluation services.
We collect, analyze and report qualitative and quantitative data on cooperatives, labor market and livelihoods.
We offer advisory and advocacy services for the improvement of cooperative entrepreneurship.
The “New Generation Cooperatives Society”, also known as the “NewGenCoop” Project, marked its culmination with a closing conference on June 24, 2022, in Ankara. This significant event brought together project partners, international delegates, national public institutions, cooperatives, and NGOs active in the cooperative ecosystem, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the initiative.
Together with leading experts in the sector, we work to build an equitable/sustainable/democratic economy.